That's right. We got cable. Solely for the purpose of watching the Daily Show, the Colbert Report, MSNBC, and election night coverage. It was waiting for us when we got home tonight (along with the vomit and hair balls that Frankie left on the comforter, I suppose as retribution for being locked up all day so Karl could fix the cable [Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.]).
I already regret it. We have more than 150 channels (I'm guessing; the channel numbers seem to go on forever) just so we can see the Daily Show the night it broadcasts. This was very stupid.
I'm going to guess that close to 10 percent of the channels are home shopping programming, which is shocking to me because I thought everything was purchased online these days.
Anyway, as I'm sure you've guessed, we watched some of CNN's lineup tonight. It reminded me of what an empty feeling watching all-news networks is, and CNN is the epitome of this. We flipped to Matthews, then caught Olberman, and finally Maddow. Matthews bugs the shit out of me. Olberman and Maddow are entertaining satirists or humorists (whatever you prefer). Neither strike me as hateful or negative, but rather as mocking the absurdity of politics with easy irony. Which is what I think will become very boring and predictable after a while.
I also ventured--very briefly--to Fox News, where I find the detestable Sean Hannity and Anne Coulter being [see aforementioned adjective]. If Rush Limbaugh is the Jackie Treehorn of rightwing commentary, Sean Hannity is Karl Hungus: standards have fallen, the plot is preposterous, he threatens castration. (Not sure about his ethos...)
And is that really the same Pat Caddel I read about in Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail: 1972? The guy that ran McGovern's campaign? Oh dear...
It wasn't all bad, though. The Daily Show and Colbert Report were great. And we got to see Wilco. I didn't know Colbert did musical guests. Angela says Jeff Tweedy looks like Harvey Keitel.
P.S. The old rabbit ears are still on top of the television, where they shall serve as Receiver Emeritus (or should that be "Receivers Emeriti").