Friday, September 12, 2008

Weather No. 2

We're doing fine. The wind has started to pick up and lightning has started. No new pictures as it has gotten too dark. Buffalo Bayou looks like it is up from even a few hours ago and we haven't had any rain.

We can hear the creaking of the parking garage and in our building when gusts hit.

Right now we're enjoying what will likely be our last hot meal for a while. We chose...oatmeal. Needed to get our fiber in right before we can't flush the toilets anymore.

All things being equal, we're fine. We'll start filling the tub in a little while and may go to the game room when it comes in hard. Most posts will be through the Twitter page, but we'll try to synch that to the blogger page.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Ike is it going? I see Marty has a liquid replacement for coffee...ahhh good cold beer! But wait...better drink it while its cold. When the power goes off that beers gonna' get hot. Hot beer!!!! No way. I'm sure it will be consummed before the power is gone! Hope things are going okay. Love Ya!!!!!